The story of becoming a Data Science expert in the Netherlands by a Talented Applied Mathematics and Information Alumnus

Data science is gradually becoming a trend in today’s society with undeniable power from a few famous company such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Alibaba… So how important is data science? And how to keep pace with that trend, how does the international market respond to the question of “Data Science”? Today, […]

From a graduate of Management information system of Hanoi University of Science and Technology to a CEO of a Software Company

Industrious, diligent, passionate about his chosen major, since he was a student, Mr. Tran Nguyen Hao – a student of Class 44 of Management Information Systems has always tried to cultivate and develop himself. . Let’s listen to Mr. Hao’s sharing after going through a long way on the road to […]

The secret of MIS alumni to become SAP Center Director of CIBER-CMC Joint Venture Company?

CMC is definitely a name that Vietnamese “tech people” are no longer unfamiliar with. Do you want to know: What is the human resource development plan of Ciber – CMC in 2018 – 2019?What technologies should be explored today?What knowledge should students of Mathematics – Informatics and MIS be equipped with?The […]

Business data analysis – Opportunities for Mathematics students in the era of Big Data

What will you do when you study Mathematics – Informatics? Not only as a lecturer, researcher, but also a software developer, do research & development (R&D) in the IT field, or an applied math specialist in many other fields (economic-financial, irrigation, agriculture, industry…). The basic knowledge of Mathematics is very useful […]